"Lord, Continue to Show Me How to Manage the Good and the Bad Days of Life"

Elder Richard Grace Jr.
Elder Richard Grace, Jr. was born in Philadelphia, PA he is a graduate of Central High School
(Class of 96). He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting and a minor in Marketing
from Cabrini University. He also holds an Executive MBA in International Business and Finance
from Saint Joseph’s University. Elder Grace has taken several biblical classes at Manna Bible
Institute, Anderson University and Faith International University (Doctoral (PhD) Program.
At an early age, Elder Grace was baptized at the First Timothy Baptist Church under the
Pastorate of the late Reverend Claude Pickens. In December of 1999, he accepted a greater call
to serving Gods people and was ordained as the youngest Deacon in church history. In January
of 2010, Elder Grace joined the Metropolitan Baptist Church under the leadership of Elder
Gregory Johnson, where he continued to serve as a deacon. On July 13 th , 2014, Elder Grace
accepted the call to ministry and preached his initial sermon and licensed to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is a graduate of the PEKBA catechism fall class of 2016 and publicly ordained into the gospel ministry in January 2017.
Since accepting his call to ministry, he continues to allow the Lord to use him as a vessel in thebuilding of God’s kingdom. Elder Grace currently serves as the First Assistant to the Pastor.Elder Grace and his beautiful wife Ebony, live in Southern New Jersey. In his spare time, heenjoys travel, basketball, and golf. His favorite scripture reference is Psalms 34:1, “I will blessthe Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.”
Minister Katanga Washington
28 Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.
Minster Katanga S. McCoy-Washington is a Christian who loves the Lord with all of her heart.
She is currently married to Deacon Clifford Washington Jr. She is a native of Philadelphia. She
accepted the call from the Lord to be a minister in 2019. Minister Washington is currently
enrolled at Dallas Theological Seminary and attends the Washington DC campus. Minister
Washington is pursuing a Masters of Apologetics and Evangelism. Minister Washington has a
passion for Evangelism, teaching, publishing wellness books, and Biblical commentaries.
In her free time she enjoys swimming. Her life scripture is Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Please pray for her as she serves the Kingdom of God with humility, compassion, and love.

Acts 20:28

Elder Larry Harris
Elder Larry Harris currently serves as an active Elder of the Metropolitan Baptist Church. Elder
Harris was born, raised and educated in the city of Philadelphia Pa. he was ordained a deacon of
Metropolitan in 2008 under Elder Gregory Johnson Pastor. Elder Harris has developed a love for
serving the sick and shut in and elderly members. After prayer and with guidance from Holy
Spirit and Pastor Johnson accepted the call to preach the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus the
Christ. Elder Harris enrolled in New Life Missionary Training School in the fall semester of
2010 and graduated in February 2015. Elder Harris preached his initial sermon and licensed on
February 17, 2017. One of the most humbling experiences for Elder Harris was passing the
Pennsylvania Eastern Keystone Baptist Association ordination council which lead to his
ordination in the ministry on October 18,2020 a proud moment in his service to the Lord. Elder
Harris prayer is that the Lord will continue to allow him to preach and teach His Word in a
manner that is pleasing to Him. In his spare time, Elder Harris loves to fish. His favorite scripture
reference is Psalms 34:1, “I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my
Rev. Dr. Jonanna Bryant
Rev. Dr. Jonanna Bryant is a preacher, teacher, author, nurse and most importantly she is the wife of Deland Bryant. In 1999, Dr. Bryant accepted her call in the ministry and enrolled into Philadelphia Biblical University (now known as Cairn University). She graduated in 2005 with a Master’s of Science of Biblical Studies. She also graduated from Walden University with her master’s and doctorate degrees.
In 2005, Dr. Bryant was licensed under Pastor Paul R. Lee as an associate minister, where she served for 25 years.
In 2018, Dr. Bryant was ordained under the watchful eye of Pastor Keith Pelzer in the Christian Fellowship Ministry Conference.
Dr. Bryant is the owner of Nursing with Dr. J. Bryant and Healthy Feet & Reflexology, LLC.
Dr. Jo is the co-author of Walk by Faith Not by Sight: Daily Devotions for Nurses and 60 days of Thanksgiving: Praising Your Way Through.
Dr. Bryant’s life scripture is Esther 4:14 “…For such a time as this.” The Lord has called her to do a mighty work for Him and for the Kingdom of God for such as time as this. She looks forward to serving her community and her church in many different aspects.